Diffusion Comm 7fa036f59002

[services] Tunnelbroker - Disabling messages persistence on messages removing


[services] Tunnelbroker - Disabling messages persistence on messages removing

This diff introduces changes to the Rust gRPC messages stream handler to disable removing messages from the DynamoDB database when the config flag from the D6622 is presented. The reason to skip messages removal is the ENG-2641 task where we are skipping the persistence of the message in the database in the case when the config flag is presented.

Linear task: ENG-2641

Test Plan:

  1. Passing the CI gates.
  2. Manual testing: Connect to the gRPC messages stream and send the message to the certain deviceID. Connect to the stream as a client on this deviceID to which the message was sent. Consume the message. The expected result is that the message will not be persisted in the DynamoDB messages table and there is no error when trying to remove the message on consuming.

Reviewers: jon, bartek

Reviewed By: jon, bartek

Subscribers: ashoat, tomek, atul

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D6626