Diffusion Comm 86e1f9c64901

Create react hook to initialize olm notiications session and get first…


Create react hook to initialize olm notiications session and get first encrypted message for the keyserver

This differential implements react hook that:

  1. fetches porekey, signed identity keys blob and one time keys from the keyserver
  2. initializes olm session for notifs on the client.
  3. returns first initial encrypted message to be sent to the keyserver so that it can establish olm session as well

Test Plan: Call this hook after calling nativeLogInExrtraInfo selector (this ensures that crypto accounts were correclty initialized).

Reviewers: tomek, atul, bartek, jon, ashoat

Reviewed By: ashoat

Subscribers: ashoat

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D7653