Diffusion Comm 893e5b6d9e89

Refactor AESCryptoModule and CommExpoPackage so that AES stack is available in…


Refactor AESCryptoModule and CommExpoPackage so that AES stack is available in NSE

This differential implements Objective C compatibility class for AESCryptoModule that internally calls the same functionality as AESCryptoModule expo module. It also introduces necessary refactors and build config files changes so that we can
use Compatibility class from any pure Objective C place like NSE.

Test Plan:

  1. Change NSE code according to: https://gist.github.com/marcinwasowicz/442f91ecb3e9781ab4e6e997692e3a46 (literally copy paste).
  2. Send notification to the app running on physical device.
  3. Examine NSE logs in console app.

Reviewers: bartek

Reviewed By: bartek

Subscribers: ashoat, tomek

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D8424