Diffusion Comm 977cb22b3010

[lib] Add `memberHasAdminRole` check to `useThreadsWithPermission`

Referenced Files
F1901378: a51118.png
May 29 2024, 8:30 PM
File Not Attached
F1901363: 7dfd05.png
May 29 2024, 8:30 PM
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[lib] Add memberHasAdminRole check to useThreadsWithPermission

The logic here is the "updated version" of the threadOrParentThreadHasAdminRole early return check in threadIsWithBlockedUserOnly.

Rather than depending on the "sketchy CHANGE_ROLE check" that we were using in memberHasAdminPowers, we use the updated logic where we check if there's a member that has admin role in community root.

If there is, we know that we don't need to patch/filter permissions.

NOTE: If there isn't a member that has admin role, we continue with the blocked relationship checks in threadFrozenDueToBlock. We will need to modify threadFrozenDueToBlock so that we can skip the redundant threadOrParentThreadHasAdminRole check that uses the old logic. We'll probably add something like a skipAdminRoleCheck argument since we're handling that using the new logic BEFORE the call to threadIsWithBlockedUserOnly

Depends on D12145

Test Plan:

  1. Added log statements in useThreadsWithPermission that included thread name, permission name, and whether permission was enabled or disabled. They looked like the following:

7dfd05.png (766×1 px, 338 KB)

  1. Used the app and navigated to a bunch of threads/screens to build up logs.
  1. Created script to compare logs from before and after the change to ensure that the values of permission for given thread remained same:


  1. Ran script and ensured that there were no differences (see output on bottom right):

a51118.png (1×2 px, 672 KB)

(In hindsight I should've just logged threadName, permissionName, boolean as "CSV" so it would be super simple to split on comma, but had already collected large volume of logs)

Reviewers: ashoat, ginsu, tomek, varun

Reviewed By: ashoat

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D12149
