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[web] Introduce basic `ConnectedWalletInfo` component

Authored by atul on Feb 3 2023, 3:06 PM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Dec 15, 1:56 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Dec 15, 1:56 AM
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Sun, Dec 15, 1:56 AM
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Sun, Dec 15, 1:56 AM
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Sun, Dec 15, 1:56 AM
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Sun, Dec 15, 1:56 AM



This component will replace the the Rainbowkit ConnectButton. For now just displays the ENS name or address of connected wallet. In future diffs will also display avatar (ENS or rainbowkit emoji) and will display AccountModal when clicked.

Test Plan

Looks as expected:

4098fc.png (1×990 px, 148 KB)

4098fc.png (1×990 px, 148 KB)

Should we shorten the address?

Yeah I'll address that in subsequent diff.

Why are we keeping the ConnectButton around?

It's been helpful when working on this stack to be able to have them side-by-side. Since all of this is hidden behind an isDev check it just makes it more convenient instead of stashing/popping over and over again.

Diff Detail

rCOMM Comm
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage

Event Timeline

atul published this revision for review.Feb 3 2023, 3:09 PM
atul edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
atul added inline comments.

This is temporary just to provide spacing between ConnectedWalletInfo and ConnectButton. Will be removed along with ConnectButton shortly.

ashoat requested changes to this revision.Feb 3 2023, 8:19 PM

The intention of ENSCache is to be the universal mechanism for fetching ENS names in the app. I think it does it no good to fork this into multiple codepaths. Read this comment for more about the design... wagmi was considered but opted against because it doesn't work in React Native or Node.js


Let's use our component, that way the cache is shared across the entire application and we have more control over it (eg. always using our own provider instead of the browser-injected one)

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Feb 3 2023, 8:19 PM

rebase before addressing feedback

atul planned changes to this revision.Feb 4 2023, 3:19 PM

address feedback

106–115 ↗(On Diff #22069)

Would appreciate any guidance on better approaches here

Please update as outlined below before landing

107–109 ↗(On Diff #22071)

You need a typehint here

16 ↗(On Diff #22071)

Conditional isn't necessary here – useENSName can return string, since useENSNames will always return a string if passed one (it handles the fallback to ETH address itself)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 5 2023, 12:37 PM
107–110 ↗(On Diff #22071)

Oops, I meant this

address feedback before landing

This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Feb 5 2023, 2:33 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.