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[services] Dev mode - Add localstack to docker compose

Authored by karol on Apr 11 2022, 6:02 AM.
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Sat, Mar 22, 7:52 PM
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Sun, Mar 9, 4:10 PM
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Sun, Mar 9, 4:10 PM



Depends on D3695

Adding localstack configuration to the docker-compose.yml file.

Test Plan
cd services
docker-compose down && docker-compose up localstack

Diff Detail

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Event Timeline

karol edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
karol edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
karol added reviewers: tomek, jim.
karol edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)


Setting @jimpo as blocking since it's related to Docker

jim requested changes to this revision.Apr 18 2022, 9:00 AM
jim added inline comments.
65 ↗(On Diff #11286)
66 ↗(On Diff #11286)

This should probably point to a persistent volume. See

67 ↗(On Diff #11286)

Is this really necessary? This is the default location and the service seems to run without it.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Apr 18 2022, 9:00 AM
ashoat requested changes to this revision.Apr 18 2022, 9:02 PM

Thanks for linking the docs, @jimpo! Really appreciate the thorough review.

@karol-bisztyga – would be great if you could either:

  1. Option 1: read the docs thoroughly and make sure you understand what's going on
  2. Option 2: research every single line you write and make sure you understand it 100%

I mention this because in the past, when you are the first person on the team to use a new technology you haven't always taken the time to learn best practices, and sometimes just submit something that works. This can lead to a situation that is very costly to fix and as a result, the fix gets deferred. This can be addressed ahead of time if you take the time to make sure you are understanding best practices.

65 ↗(On Diff #11286)

right, thanks

66 ↗(On Diff #11286)

And why is that exactly? That's all in the docs about DATA_DIR:

To enable the persistence mechanism simply set the DATA_DIR environment variable. For instance, DATA_DIR=/tmp/localstack/data will store all relevant files to the /tmp/localstack/data directory. Please note that the path is created recursively, that is you do not have to make sure that the set path exists.

Ok, in the snippet below they use the volume

      - DATA_DIR=${TMPDIR}/localstack/data
      - ${TMPDIR}:/tmp/localstack

but earlier they use the line DATA_DIR=/tmp/localstack/data. Is there anything there that says we should use a volume in such a case? Maybe I missed something.

The line without using a volume appears in tutorials (1 2) and discussions

67 ↗(On Diff #11286)

It can be removed. Thanks.

ashoat requested changes to this revision.Apr 25 2022, 8:01 PM

It seems like we'd want a distinct deployment configuration (distinct docker-compose.yml?) for dev vs. prod... curious on what best practices are in that case, particularly in the context of localstack (which is meant to be dev-only, I think)

Three questions for @jimpo:

  1. Any perspective on the deployment configuration question above?
  2. Also curious for your perspective on my inline comments below
  3. Finally, give @karol-bisztyga's most recent comment a read on the persistent volume question

Is it better to use expose here?


Do we need to declare a depends_on or links relationship for the above services on localstack?

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Apr 25 2022, 8:01 PM

Yeah, if you're deploying to prod with docker-compose, I'd just make a separate and you can do docker-compose -f

That said, docker-compose isn't really a production deployment tool, unlike swarm or ECS or something, since it only runs on one machine. So longer term it would be good to switch to something like that.


I expect it's already exposed in the Dockerfile.


links has been deprecated in favor of by networks. depends_on is a good idea though.

66 ↗(On Diff #11286)

DATA_DIR just tells it where in the container to store data. Having a volume will ensure that the data is preserved across service restarts.


The question is: do we want to use only the local cloud for locally launched services? If we want to test the connection to the AWS from the local environment, then we probably don't want this depends_on (as we would want to run the services without having to run the local stack in such a case).

66 ↗(On Diff #11286)

I'm not sure if we want to persist the data between the restarts.
Usually, people will just use cd services && yarn run-local-cloud and in this script, I use --force-recreate. I was doing all this some time ago, now I guess I force recreation as without this it didn't work properly. I think we can remove this flag and use a volume as you suggested.

jim requested changes to this revision.Apr 27 2022, 9:21 AM
jim added inline comments.
75 ↗(On Diff #11981)

Why bind mount a temp directory instead of using a data volume? It's just gonna create issues with permissions. Also ${TMPDIR} is not used to refer to a path in both the host and the container which is a bad idea.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Apr 27 2022, 9:21 AM

Temp dir makes sense to me


I think expose is the same as ports, but it just doesn't expose the port on the host machine. Source on StackOverflow

That said, if this is primarily meant for dev configuration then there's no reason to use expose


I don't think we want to test the connection to AWS from the local environment. Open to arguments against this, but it seems like we want the dev environment to work fully with localstack, right?


I think we should discuss this separately, I created a task for this

I think it's a good idea to add depends_on to things that depend on localstack

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 28 2022, 10:03 PM

I think it's a good idea to add depends_on to things that depend on localstack

We have a task for this

  1. That task makes zero mention of depends_on
  2. It's disappointing that you continue to defer simple feedback from your reviewer rather than just addressing it. We talked about this just yesterday... please, please, please try to get better at this. It is so easy for you to just add depends_on like you were requested to... it boggles my mind that after all the feedback, you still choose to do what is easier for you rather than prioritizing the feedback from your reviewer
  1. That task makes zero mention of depends_on

There is an explicit link in this task that leads to your comment and this comment mentions depends_on specifically. If that's too implicit, I can copy-paste this stuff to the task.

  1. It's disappointing that you continue to defer simple feedback from your reviewer rather than just addressing it. We talked about this just yesterday... please, please, please try to get better at this. It is so easy for you to just add depends_on like you were requested to... it boggles my mind that after all the feedback, you still choose to do what is easier for you rather than prioritizing the feedback from your reviewer

I started a discussion on the task, the decision for adding depends_on depends on its result. Ok, so if I add depends_on here and then in the task we decide it's redundant, then we'd have to remove it again. Doesn't make sense to me, but ok, I'm addressing this feedback immediately then, so we can skip pointless cycles of exchanging opinions, etc: D3958