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[lib] Don't clear authoritative keyserver cookie during identity auth

Authored by ashoat on Apr 12 2024, 2:13 PM.
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Apr 22 2024, 9:53 AM
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Apr 21 2024, 11:09 PM



IDENTITY_REGISTER_SUCCESS and IDENTITY_LOG_IN_SUCCESS currently result in the authoritative keyserver's cookie being cleared (anonymous cookie replaced with null), which results in a bunch of rerenders. It's one of the factors contributing to ENG-7385, since it results in the very first keyserverAuth attempt (triggered by SET_ACCESS_TOKEN) being cancelled almost immediately (by IDENTITY_REGISTER_SUCCESS).

Test Plan

I added some utils that track why a memo is being re-run, and was able to confirm that the cookie was no longer causing memos to re-run

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I worry that this may cause problems. Identity login and register clear data in case they are dispatched before logout success, so before user's data is cleared. This change makes it technically possible that the following will happen:

  1. User A logs in with identity and the keyserver - gets a user cookie
  2. User A logs out
  3. User B logs in, and a login success is dispatched before logout success

Now user B has user A's keyserver cookie

It is also weird to me that we try to auth with the keyserver before identity login success. Maybe we should change that?

It is also weird to me that we try to auth with the keyserver before identity login success.

What do you mean by "identity login success"? keyserverAuth is not initiated until a CSAT is in the store, and the CSAT is populated only after identity login success.

Are you perhaps referring specifically to the IDENTITY_LOG_IN_SUCCESS action? If so: yes, this is the case. It's happening because SET_ACCESS_TOKEN is getting dispatched before IDENTITY_LOG_IN_SUCCESS.

Maybe we should change that?

What would be achieved? I agree it might be better, but to prioritize this right now I think we need a strong reason.

Note that our legacy keyserver auth logic works somewhat similarly (cookie is set by SET_NEW_SESSION before LOG_IN_SUCCESS is dispatched).

I worry that this may cause problems. Identity login and register clear data in case they are dispatched before logout success, so before user's data is cleared. This change makes it technically possible that the following will happen:

  1. User A logs in with identity and the keyserver - gets a user cookie
  2. User A logs out
  3. User B logs in, and a login success is dispatched before logout success

Now user B has user A's keyserver cookie

That's a fair concern. I can think of two potential solutions:

  1. We make sure that we only keep the cookie if it's an anonymous cookie.
  2. We make sure that we only keep the cookie if the user was previously logged-out.

I think option 1 is more simple. Option 2 could be achieved by looking at either preRequestUserState or perhaps by looking at the currentUserInfo in Redux prior to the action, but both options are potentially more complicated than option 1.

Always clear the cookie if it's a user cookie

Okay, this makes to me sense now

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 15 2024, 8:58 AM