Diffusion Comm 077530051e77

[lib] Don't delete pending messages during session recovery


[lib] Don't delete pending messages during session recovery

Noticed that the pending messages in my test plan would get erased on LOG_IN_SUCCESS during session recovery. This diff makes sure we don't lose those pending messages.

NOTE: I wanted to check if the logged-in user has changed, but we can't make it until ENG-6126 is complete. That said, this should be a redundant check.

Depends on D10695

Test Plan:
I tested this stack using the following procedure:

  1. I tested primarily on native
    1. I compiled a dev build and deployed it to an iOS simulator
    2. I created a brand new account on my local keyserver using the iOS app
    3. I ran Redux dev tools: cd native && yarn redux-devtools
    4. I added a 30s sleep at the start of resolveKeyserverSessionInvalidation
    5. I made KeyserverConnectionsHandler return null so that the socket wouldn’t automatically recover the session prior to my testing
    6. I killed the app
    7. I deleted all of the test user’s cookie
    8. I then opened the app again and navigated to a chat and sent two messages
    9. By following the Redux monitor, I was able to see that the keyserver session invalidation recovery was successful, and both messages were eventually sent after the 30s sleep concluded
  2. On web, we don’t support keyserver session invalidation. However, I tested to make sure that the web app still loaded after my changes

Reviewers: tomek, inka, atul

Reviewed By: tomek

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D10696


ashoatAuthored on Jan 17 2024, 6:04 PM
Differential Revision
D10696: [lib] Don't delete pending messages during session recovery
rCOMM59f4df98a8aa: [lib] Introduce global BoundKeyserverActionFunc cache