Diffusion Comm 50a22bbfd6f6

[web] Update existing checks on isDefault in role-actions-menu.reactjs


[web] Update existing checks on isDefault in role-actions-menu.reactjs

We now want to make sure that we get rid of checks on role.isDefault and replace them with checks on role.specialRole:

  • For default roles, this is `role.specialRole === ${specialRoles.DEFAULT_ROLE}
  • For admin roles, this is `role.specialRole === ${specialRoles.ADMIN_ROLE}

Part of ENG-5993

This diff handles role-actions-menu.react.js

Depends on D10118

Test Plan: Confirmed the use of roleIsDefaultRole had no change on the results in the code

Reviewers: ginsu, tomek, rohan

Reviewed By: tomek

Subscribers: ashoat

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D10119
