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[native] Add Babel plugins to transform crypto packages on React Native

Authored by ashoat on Oct 13 2024, 2:01 PM.
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Feb 26 2025, 11:41 AM



In the next diff, we add some packages that use newer JS features: BigInt literals (eg. 0n), numeric separators (eg. 1_000), and named capture groups in RegExp.

This diff adds support for those features to our Babel setup on native.

Test Plan

Tested in combination with the next diff

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ashoat held this revision as a draft.
ashoat retitled this revision from [native] Add stuff to transform crypto packages on React Native to [native] Add Babel plugins to transform crypto packages on React Native.Oct 13 2024, 7:17 PM
ashoat edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
ashoat edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)

Add plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex and reorder commits

8 ↗(On Diff #45132)

This one was the easiest. I noticed Viem was using numeric separators, so I did some quick Googling and found this Babel transform for it

10 ↗(On Diff #45132)

Viem uses named capture groups. Through some digging, I found this GitHub comment that informed me of this Babel transform that allows us to support named capture groups

1–738 ↗(On Diff #45132)

Our version of Hermes has a peculiar subset of BigInt supported: see here. We have most of BigInt, but no support for BigInt literals like 0n.

Babel doesn't support transforming BigInt literals to eg. BigInt(0) constructors:

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 9.23.37 PM.png (344×1 px, 68 KB)

I think that's because they don't expect BigInt constructors to work if BigInt literals don't.

Instead, they rewrite BigInt literals to JSBI.BigInt(0) syntax, which we don't want. They also do a bunch of other transforms to get around an assumed total lack of BigInt support.

In our case, we only really want a specific transform: BigInt literals to BigInt(0) syntax.

What I'm doing here with this patch is:

  1. Removing almost the entirety of this Babel transform, as we don't need most of it. All that I left was the BigInt literal transform
  2. For the BigInt literal transform, remove the JSBI. part

Here's all that's left in node_modules/babel-plugin-transform-bigint/index.js:

// see

const syntaxBigInt = require('@babel/plugin-syntax-bigint').default;

module.exports = function (babel) {
  const types = babel.types;
  return {
    inherits: syntaxBigInt,
    visitor: {
      BigIntLiteral: function (path, state) {
        const value = path.node.value;
        const number = Number(value); //TODO:
        if (number >= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER && number <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
          // 1n -> JSBI.BigInt(1)
          path.replaceWith(types.callExpression(types.identifier('BigInt'), [types.numericLiteral(number)]));
        } else {
          // 9007199254740993n -> JSBI.BigInt('9007199254740993')
          path.replaceWith(types.callExpression(types.identifier('BigInt'), [types.StringLiteral(value)]));
ashoat published this revision for review.Oct 13 2024, 7:40 PM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 14 2024, 7:27 AM

One more change. I was seeing this React Native issue, and found this GitHub comment from a Metro maintainer on a separate thread. They ended up making this change upstream to resolve the issue, so in this revision I'm adding a patch to do the same thing