Diffusion Comm 49bcd23b617f

[lib] Deprecate `useRoleDeletableAndEditableStatus` and determine `is…


[lib] Deprecate useRoleDeletableAndEditableStatus and determine is[Editable/Deletable] directly in RoleActionsMenu

Context: https://linear.app/comm/issue/ENG-6949/update-roledeletableandeditablestatus-to-use-specialrole-field

We can use specialRole field and roleIsDefaultRole and roleIsAdminRole utilities directly instead of doing this in a separate hook.

Depends on D11206

Test Plan:
Make sure that RoleActionsMenu appears and behaves as expected.

Will put screenshots in here shortly:

Reviewers: ginsu, tomek, kamil, michal

Reviewed By: tomek

Subscribers: ashoat

Differential Revision: https://phab.comm.dev/D11208