Have the enumCheckBox in CommunityConfiguration toggle announcementSetting when tapped.
Depends on D7967
Differential D7968
[native] Make `enumCheckBox` functional in `CommunityConfiguration` atul on May 24 2023, 12:56 PM. Authored by Tags None Referenced Files
Details Have the enumCheckBox in CommunityConfiguration toggle announcementSetting when tapped. Depends on D7967 Looks as expected:
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Event TimelineComment Actions Requesting changes for design iteration. Really wish this was captured in the designs we got from @ted before the hand-off
Do we really need one-offs here? Why can't we find an existing color family that works with our designs?
We need to push the team (@tedchang in particular) to use existing families (and update them as necessary) instead of hacking around inconsistencies like this. When we take this sort of approach of picking colors on a per-screen basis, we fail to maintain stylistic / design consistency throughout the app