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Add top-level cpp CMake Project
Changes PlannedPublic

Authored by jon on Jun 19 2022, 1:55 PM.
Referenced Files
F2832965: D4301.diff
Sat, Sep 28, 6:33 AM
F2830395: D4301.id15570.diff
Fri, Sep 27, 7:24 PM
F2830393: D4301.id14302.diff
Fri, Sep 27, 7:23 PM
F2830392: D4301.diff
Fri, Sep 27, 7:22 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Sep 19, 7:22 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Sep 19, 8:56 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Sep 19, 5:47 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Sep 19, 4:44 AM



Expose top-level for all cpp code

This is required since sqlite_orm is required by some CommonCpp projects

This is part of a larger effort to bring more structure to the C++ codebase

The intent is to be able to reference the dependencies as packages, instead of just as GLOB'ing over certain directories; which is a major anti-pattern in CMake as it create a bunch of footguns such as finding multiple files with main() defined, or picking up unrelated code in generated folders.

Test Plan
nix develop
cd native/cpp/ && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
# should build everything in native/cpp

Diff Detail

rCOMM Comm
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage

Event Timeline

Harbormaster returned this revision to the author for changes because remote builds failed.Jun 19 2022, 2:00 PM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B9815: Diff 13579!

Update with protobuf changes

Harbormaster returned this revision to the author for changes because remote builds failed.Jul 3 2022, 9:21 AM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B10230: Diff 14117!
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B10232: Diff 14119!
jon edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)


Harbormaster returned this revision to the author for changes because remote builds failed.Jul 7 2022, 3:41 PM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B10392: Diff 14302!

A bit confused seeing this after the convo in ENG-1356. This CMakeLists.txt only get consumed for the Android build, right? How did we manage to get Android to cooperate with a newer version of CMake?

I think I did this work in anticipation of doing the android build "the right way" with imported targets. I decided later to drop that work.

However, I still like just doing add_subdirectory(../native/cpp) to import this from other areas in the code base.

ashoat requested changes to this revision.Jul 18 2022, 9:48 AM

So should we remove the comment? Still confused about the comment. Also not sure what CMP0079 is

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jul 18 2022, 9:48 AM
atul requested changes to this revision.Aug 11 2022, 10:30 AM
native/cpp/CMakeLists.txt:12,02: [C0307] Bad indentation:
^----BodyNode: 1:0->StatementNode: 9:0->TreeNode: 12:2
This revision now requires changes to proceed.Aug 11 2022, 10:30 AM
jon edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)