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[native] [feature] [ENG-1016] add alert prompt to user, promote thread cant be undone

Authored by benschac on Apr 18 2022, 8:16 AM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Feb 25, 9:22 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Feb 25, 3:12 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Feb 19, 1:05 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Feb 9, 9:42 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Feb 3, 12:01 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Feb 1, 4:43 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Fri, Jan 31, 12:19 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Jan 22 2025, 3:48 AM


Test Plan

go to promote thread, click cancel, click yes. Functionality should work as expected.

Diff Detail

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Event Timeline

benschac retitled this revision from [native] [feature] [] add alert prompt to user, promote thread cant be undone to [native] [feature] [ENG-1016] add alert prompt to user, promote thread cant be undone.Apr 18 2022, 8:21 AM
benschac edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
37 ↗(On Diff #11552)

Do you really need to define a new callback here? I think this has come up before... if so, and assuming there's nothing quirky about the types here – please be thoughtful about wasteful re-definitions like this going forward, and integrate it into your thinking so it doesn't have to be mentioned in review in the future

go to promote thread, click cancel, click yes. Functionality should work as expected.

Could you spend a little more time in the future writing your test plans? At this point, this test plan sounds like we should click cancel and then click yes which probably isn't what we wanted. And please start sentences with capital letters.

29 ↗(On Diff #11552)

This text makes sense, but doesn't sound great. But looking at it seems we're aware of that

37 ↗(On Diff #11552)

Agree. It looks like onPress: this.props.promoteSidebar should work just fine

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 19 2022, 3:23 AM

This should not have been landed, the copy is not clean English...

I added a comment to ENG-1016, but to be clear this needs to be fixed ASAP.

@palys-swm please never accept a diff with broken English like this. The fact that I flagged it on the task should've been a very strong reason NOT to accept this diff. Or at the very least, to add me to the review!

As a result of this, I've added "anything with copy" to the Diff Review Rules that talk about when I need to included in a diff review.

Going forward, if you ever see copy in a diff, make sure you add me to the review as a blocking reviewer, and highlight the copy that needs to be reviewed. I would really love to get to a place where I'm not necessary to review English, but apparently we're not there as a team...

I added a comment to ENG-1016, but to be clear this needs to be fixed ASAP.

@palys-swm please never accept a diff with broken English like this. The fact that I flagged it on the task should've been a very strong reason NOT to accept this diff. Or at the very least, to add me to the review!

As a result of this, I've added "anything with copy" to the Diff Review Rules that talk about when I need to included in a diff review.

Going forward, if you ever see copy in a diff, make sure you add me to the review as a blocking reviewer, and highlight the copy that needs to be reviewed. I would really love to get to a place where I'm not necessary to review English, but apparently we're not there as a team...

Ok, that makes sense. It seems I got a little confused... sorry for that. Going forward, every time a copy changes, will add @ashoat as a blocking reviewer.

This is also on me as a native English speaker. For reference, most of the onClick hander was auto-generated with GH autopilot and I didn't take the extra minute to really look at the copy, triple check it, read it out loud. Make sure it was correct.