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[lib] Create unshimming queue

Authored by tomek on Mon, Mar 17, 7:10 AM.
Referenced Files
F4954775: D14457.id47422.diff
Fri, Mar 21, 11:21 AM
F4954705: D14457.id47449.diff
Fri, Mar 21, 10:54 AM
F4954700: D14457.id47422.diff
Fri, Mar 21, 10:54 AM
Fri, Mar 21, 10:05 AM
F4953162: D14457.id47422.diff
Fri, Mar 21, 12:19 AM
F4953122: D14457.id47449.diff
Thu, Mar 20, 11:55 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Mar 20, 11:22 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Mar 19, 9:06 PM



The unshimming process happens during a migration when it isn't convenient to call e.g. processDMOperations. To make this easier, we're saving the operations in Redux. We're processing them using a queue so that we don't have issues with e.g. Redux changes being skipped. We're removing the operations from SQLite only after they are processed.

Depends on D14456

Test Plan

Tested the whole stack on both native and web:

  1. Run the app on Redux version 86 with a modification to processDMOperation making all the INBOUND messages unsupported
  2. On one platform created a thread and sent a text message. These were visible on the sender, and invisible on the recipient
  3. Closed the recipient and added a migration that unshimms the thread creation operations, e.g.
): MigrationFunction<WebNavInfo, AppState>),
  1. Run the recipient and noticed the thread appearing
  2. Added another migration, this time unshimming text messages
  3. Run the recipient and noticed messages appearing

Diff Detail

rCOMM Comm
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

Harbormaster returned this revision to the author for changes because remote builds failed.Mon, Mar 17, 7:47 AM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B33733: Diff 47422!
tomek requested review of this revision.Tue, Mar 18, 4:06 AM

Good idea not unshimming in a migration

284 ↗(On Diff #47449)

This is never set false to make sure we attempt unshimming only once after app start? If so, might be good to add code coment

285–302 ↗(On Diff #47449)

I would use flatMap() but this is fine too

287–301 ↗(On Diff #47449)

My memory about queue model we have is rusty, but I assume it is safe to perform operation and separately dispatch action? (I am talking about case when e.g. operation could not be processed)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Tue, Mar 18, 9:05 AM

Enqueue operations directly

284 ↗(On Diff #47449)

This is never set false to make sure we attempt unshimming only once after app start?

Yes, exactly

285–302 ↗(On Diff #47449)

I think we should replace this code a bit to follow patterns from this file.

287–301 ↗(On Diff #47449)

Yes, this is the same pattern we're using in other places. Both operation and removing it could fail, but there isn't too much we can do in such cases.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.