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[docs] add instructions for installing cargo lipo

Authored by varun on Aug 25 2022, 5:49 AM.
Referenced Files
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Mar 20, 8:31 PM
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Tue, Mar 18, 9:11 AM
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Sat, Mar 15, 10:18 PM
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Thu, Mar 13, 12:22 AM
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Thu, Mar 6, 7:32 PM
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Thu, Mar 6, 2:05 AM
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Thu, Mar 6, 2:04 AM
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Thu, Mar 6, 1:59 AM



We need to add this to the nix dev env as well (@jon)

Depends on D4953

Test Plan

this is how I installed cargo lipo

Diff Detail

rCOMM Comm
identity-client (branched from master)
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage

Event Timeline

Harbormaster returned this revision to the author for changes because remote builds failed.Aug 25 2022, 5:54 AM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B11619: Diff 15982!
varun requested review of this revision.Aug 25 2022, 6:28 AM

the CI failure is because of the previous diff in the stack, so requesting review. won't land until the CI issue is fixed

Can you create a task for @jon to add cargo-lipo to the Nix environment?

I can package this for comm, but the project is currently considered deprecated. So I likely won't upstream it to nixpkgs. :/

In D4954#143549, @jon wrote:

I can package this for comm, but the project is currently considered deprecated. So I likely won't upstream it to nixpkgs. :/

Did we try the approach suggested by the author of the library in the section about "Maintenance Status"?

Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 12.08.12 PM.png (878×1 px, 651 KB)

Can you create a task for @jon to add cargo-lipo to the Nix environment?

looks like Jon did this

In D4954#143552, @atul wrote:
In D4954#143549, @jon wrote:

I can package this for comm, but the project is currently considered deprecated. So I likely won't upstream it to nixpkgs. :/

Did we try the approach suggested by the author of the library in the section about "Maintenance Status"?

Screen Shot 2022-08-25 at 12.08.12 PM.png (878×1 px, 651 KB)

manually editing project.pbxproj seems pretty sketchy... it's a generated file, after all. but I'll make a linear task to look for a better approach. already talked to @tomek about investigating this

pretty sure we can discard this now, actually. and cancel jon's linear task. depends on my updated Xcode diff being approved

Did we try the approach suggested by the author of the library in the section about "Maintenance Status"?

Yea, I would really prefer to not add yet-another-tool into the chain of assumptions. seems like specifying the platform triplet, and adding some run scripts should suffice to make those compilation targets available.

ashoat requested changes to this revision.Aug 26 2022, 11:27 AM

Removing from my queue. Feel free to re-request review if we decide we need this

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Aug 26 2022, 11:27 AM