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[native] Add JSI functions for creating/setting and fetching device ID

Authored by inka on Oct 11 2022, 2:22 AM.
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Fri, Mar 7, 3:54 AM
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Tue, Mar 4, 7:57 PM
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Tue, Mar 4, 10:51 AM
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Tue, Mar 4, 10:51 AM
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Tue, Mar 4, 10:51 AM
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Tue, Mar 4, 10:51 AM



Create JSI functions that may be called from js as well as cpp. setDeviceID calls a rust function that generates the id, and then calls a cpp function that sets 'device_id' entry in Metadata table of SQLite database to the generated

Test Plan

comment out native/cpp/CommonCpp/DatabaseManagers/SQLiteQueryExecutor.cpp set_encryption_key function to turn off the database encryption, Add the following to onClick function of ThreadsettingsPromoteSidebar in

commCoreModule.getDeviceID().then(id => console.log(id));

And see by setting breakpoints before and after these lines that in the SQLite Metadata table for the simulator there appears device_id entry with a value subject to "^(ks|mobile|web):[a-zA-Z0-9]{64}$" in the data column.
See that this value gets logged to the console twice.

Diff Detail

rCOMM Comm
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage

Event Timeline

Harbormaster returned this revision to the author for changes because remote builds failed.Oct 11 2022, 2:36 AM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B12722: Diff 17483!
2 ↗(On Diff #17483)

In my opinion it is better to avoid including this rust-cpp bindings header and using ::rust namespace types directly in CommCoreModule. This is why I created C++ wrappers for ma native blob client. But this is rather my personal feeling about code cleanness so I am not going to block this revision on this. You don't need to address this comment anyhow if you don't feel like it.

1001 ↗(On Diff #17483)

This variable is not used anywhere

1004 ↗(On Diff #17483)

We could create a static std::map<std::string, DeviceType> in this function that maps strings into enumeration values and call generate_device_id only once. Code we be shorter and more readable.

1004 ↗(On Diff #17483)

I started wandering if maybe, since this code will be called only from native, I should just always call generate_device_id(DeviceType::MOBILE). And do the same on web.

1004 ↗(On Diff #17483)

Or actually have the functions on web and native, responsible for generating the device id, generate only the one type that they will ever be called with anyways.

1004 ↗(On Diff #17483)

I have been informed that this code might be used on the desktop app, so I cannot do that. Please ignore my previous comments.

Harbormaster returned this revision to the author for changes because remote builds failed.Oct 15 2022, 6:16 AM
Harbormaster failed remote builds in B12814: Diff 17598!
inka requested review of this revision.EditedOct 18 2022, 1:37 AM

CI fails because we haven't yet made rust work on android on CI. This is tracked in ENG-1852

marcin requested changes to this revision.Oct 20 2022, 12:03 PM
marcin added inline comments.
1012 ↗(On Diff #17637)

Setting device id is a database operation that can fail. If the code above fails the app will crash with vague and uninformative stacktrace (I have dealt with crashes caused by uncaught exception from our ORM and they were hard to debug). Moreover, everywhere in CommCoreModule we make sure that any database operation placed on the database thread (GlobalDBSingleton now) is executed inside try catch statement so that we can either:

  1. React if we now how
  2. just log it and continue
  3. throw JSError, so that the app still crashes but with elegant and informative error message that gets reported.

Please change the code so that it follows the same pattern.

1017 ↗(On Diff #17637)

There are two things here:

  1. DatabaseManager::getQueryExecutor() is called outside of GlobalDBSingleton.scheduleOrRun(...) which is prone to crashing the app - if it works when testing then it is only a race condition.
  2. As in the case of getCurrentUserID this function should be asynchronous - it should return a promise that resolves to device ID. If code that will call this function in JS wants to wait until it gets device ID, then it should be react component that awaits on the promise returned by this function. C++ side should be asynchronous here.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.Oct 20 2022, 12:03 PM

Address code review - add try-catch around GlobalDBSingleton::instance.scheduleOrRun and make getDeviceID async and use GlobalDBSingleton.


This function is almost identical to getCurrentUserID. I think it would be good to extract the common code and have getCurrentUserID and getDeviceID be left as wrapper functions. But first this code needs to be approved I think

marcin added a reviewer: tomek.

Accepting, but kindly please make sure you test it on Android and iOS physical devices before landing if you haven't done it already. My experience is that there are some C++ bugs that reveal themselves only on physical devices.

tomek added inline comments.

Extracting a common function is a good idea

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 24 2022, 2:36 AM
inka requested review of this revision.Oct 26 2022, 7:23 AM
inka added inline comments.

After some research I think I'd rather leave it.
The only difference between getCurrentUserID and getDeviceID is that the first calls

result = DatabaseManager::getQueryExecutor().getCurrentUserID();

and the second one calls

result = DatabaseManager::getQueryExecutor().getDeviceID();

So to extract the common code I'd have to pass getCurrentUserID/getDeviceID as an argument. This can be done. It would look something like this:

jsi::Value getFunctionResultAsPromise(jsi::Runtime &rt, std::string (SQLiteQueryExecutor::*func)(), CommCoreModule *commCoreModule){
	. . .

jsi::Value CommCoreModule::getCurrentUserID(jsi::Runtime &rt) {
	return getFunctionResultAsPromise(rt, &SQLiteQueryExecutor::getCurrentUserID, this);

But because we get the instance of SQLiteQueryExecutor via DatabaseManager::getQueryExecutor(), which return value is DatabaseQueryExecutor I cannot call a function passed like this on this instance. I cannot make my function take std::string (DatabaseQueryExecutor::*func)() as an argument either, because DatabaseQueryExecutor is an abstract class so its functions don't have implementations.
Maybe this can be done somehow (maybe with templates??), but I don't think it's worth the time I'd have to spend on figuring this out. Unless I use RTTI but I believe this is not the best idea in general in projects like this.


Ok, this makes sense - it should be possible to simplify that but not sure if worth it now. Also, we have a task which can also include this refactoring.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 27 2022, 1:24 AM

I'll add this to ENG-325 when this diff is landed then