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[services] Add docker-compose overrides for tests

Authored by bartek on Oct 17 2023, 5:57 AM.
Referenced Files
F2171237: D9512.id32281.diff
Tue, Jul 2, 5:26 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Jun 30, 7:48 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Jun 30, 7:41 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Jun 30, 4:24 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Jun 29, 5:59 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Sat, Jun 29, 3:18 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Wed, Jun 26, 3:20 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Jun 25, 5:01 AM



Adds a new docker-compose config that works together with the existing one, and overrides some properties.
Using both configs together gives a test configuration (docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.tests.yml [COMMAND]).

Most of the config is overriding the environment variables to correctly point to other service containers. The test-commons.env provides environment shared by all containers, that is normally proviced by Nix when outside docker.
Also, a few other properties needed to be overridden:

  • Reset custom platform option - tests will compile using the machine native architecture
  • Build Identity service with pre-generated OPAQUE keypair - D9508
  • Run Blob service in "auto-deletion" mode - D9509
  • Terraform inside commtest container needs to have custom localstack address
  • Added dedicated volume for build artifacts to speed up builds when running tests multiple tiems in local environment

Depends on D9511

Test Plan

Added dedicated command to run all tests in local docker:

yarn run-commtest-in-docker

Its equivalent is going to be used on Buildkite

Diff Detail

rCOMM Comm
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage

Event Timeline

bartek held this revision as a draft.
bartek published this revision for review.Oct 17 2023, 6:08 AM
bartek added inline comments.

example of single service log level override


For tests, all services can be run in debug mode

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 18 2023, 3:37 AM

Rebase on latest changes. Besides that:

  • Fixed an issue that tunnelbroker container failed to start because of long init of rabbitmq:
    • Added healthcheck to rabbitmq
    • Added restart: always to tunnelbroker
  • Fine grained RUST_LOG to avoid spam
  • Reworked platform settings for containers:
    • Made linux/amd64 default platform
    • It can be overriden by PLATFORM env variable. It is set by the yarn script
    • The previous !reset solution didn't work on CI because of outdated docker-compose executable
      • Lack of these settings made local dev failing on M1 mac due to arch mismatch