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[lib] added reaction type to local unshim types

Authored by ginsu on Dec 5 2022, 7:09 PM.
Referenced Files
F4947080: D5817.diff
Wed, Mar 19, 12:19 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 10:07 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 10:07 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 10:07 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 10:07 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 9:53 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Feb 25, 5:28 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Thu, Feb 20, 10:41 AM



added reaction type to local unshim types. This is so reaction messages will now be unshimed with the rest of new message types introduced throughout the years

Linear Task: ENG-2247

Depends on D5805 and D5752

Test Plan

I was able to get messages to render correctly on the UI. This makes me feel very confident that this works as expected

Diff Detail

rCOMM Comm
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

ginsu edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
ginsu added reviewers: atul, tomek, rohan.
ginsu edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
ginsu requested review of this revision.Dec 5 2022, 7:19 PM

As a side note, looks like there's some visual weirdness in the attached video that we'll need to address

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 7 2022, 12:03 PM
In D5817#174385, @atul wrote:

As a side note, looks like there's some visual weirdness in the attached video that we'll need to address

Follow up task for this