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Sat, Mar 1
Fri, Feb 28
Passing back to you with a question about why we avoid goBack when showing the NUX tip
CI has been stuck for a day
CI has been stuck for a day
Fix eslint
Fix eslint
Update the ref immediatelly
Delete unnecessary dependency
Bump min code version
Thu, Feb 27
Shouldn't D14391 be added to the stack here? You seem to be depending on it
address feedback
In D14414#400577, @ashoat wrote:In D14414#400524, @bartek wrote:I'm worried about using Clipboard.setImageFromBase64 for large media files... I suspect it will be passing a massive string over the legacy React Native bridge, and so I feel obliged to do some performance testing on that, and I don't have the time to do that for an approach that I suspect might end up not working for us.
In D14414#400524, @bartek wrote:An alternative approach, that doesn't require using temporary file:
- Extract some logic from saveRemoteMediaToDisk() in`save-file.js`, with the following changes:
- For encrypted media, call fetchAndDecryptMedia({ destination: 'data_uri' }) instead of destination: file
- For non-encrypted, fetch base64 but don't save to file (skip last step)
- call Clipboard.setImageFromBase64 - iOS implementation is in the patch, line 116
Should we bump the version in keyserver/src/session/version.js along with this change?
Invert confirmation prompt logic to make script more error-proof