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[keyserver] Add function to fetch reactions/edits/sidebar_source for messages

Authored by inka on Apr 21 2023, 4:35 AM.
Referenced Files
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Fri, Mar 21, 2:31 PM
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Mon, Mar 17, 7:28 PM
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Mon, Mar 17, 7:28 PM
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Mon, Mar 17, 7:28 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 7:28 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 7:28 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 7:27 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Mon, Mar 17, 7:10 PM



Usinng the same query as we use everywhere to fetch messages - joining with uploads and memberships to be able to use parseMessageSQLResult to parse the results (as we do in other places).

For edits we need to fetch the newest edit only. This requires a subselect. I used a query from fetchLatestEditMessageContentByIDs to obtain the newest edit.

Test Plan

Artificially added edit messages to my db, checked that the function returns all edits / sidebar_sources / reactions for given messages.

Diff Detail

rCOMM Comm
No Lint Coverage
No Test Coverage

Event Timeline

inka added inline comments.
849 ↗(On Diff #25518)

In the previous diff I populated the target_message column for sidebar_source messages, so this does return sidebar_source messages

inka requested review of this revision.Apr 21 2023, 4:52 AM
854 ↗(On Diff #25532)

Can we explain a little bit why we need two queries? Was it difficult to do as one query? Are there tradeoffs?

860 ↗(On Diff #25532)

What kind of JOIN is this? I forget what MySQL defaults to... would be good to be explicit here (is it INNER JOIN?)

860 ↗(On Diff #25532)

Join defaults to inner join, but +1 for being explicit

use explicit INNER JOIN

854 ↗(On Diff #25532)

General answer: because such query is hard if not impossible to write.

To do this in one query we would have to conditionally pick either elements from m or m2.
m is the messages table JOINED to the m2 messages table so that entry from m is the newest edit for entry from m2. So in case of edits we need to look at columns from m.
But in case of reactions / sidebar_sources we cannot look at columns from m (the newest edit), because this makes non sense. So we need to get the values from m2.

Also the edit query that has a subselect is slower, so I think it's better to have it run the subselect for as few entries as possible.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 25 2023, 10:13 AM

Should we consider doing this as a SELECT ... UNION SELECT?