Depends on D5072
I used to have duplicated log ids which lead to errors. This was because they could be sent in such a small interval that they'd have the same timestamp in their IDs. Using UUID solved this problem.
| Differential D5073 Authored by • karol on Sep 6 2022, 7:23 AM.
Tags None Referenced Files
Details Summary Depends on D5072 I used to have duplicated log ids which lead to errors. This was because they could be sent in such a small interval that they'd have the same timestamp in their IDs. Using UUID solved this problem. Test Plan services build
Diff Detail
Event TimelineHerald added a reviewer: • jon. · View Herald TranscriptSep 6 2022, 7:23 AM2022-09-06 07:23:06 (UTC-7) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B11930: Diff 16376.Sep 6 2022, 7:35 AM2022-09-06 07:35:03 (UTC-7) • karol edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Sep 6 2022, 7:37 AM2022-09-06 07:37:53 (UTC-7) • karol added a parent revision: D5072: [services] Rust Integration - Backup - Rust - Fix wrong order of logs in the tests. Comment Actions It is an improvement but we should handle collisions gracefully by generating a new id. This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 9 2022, 5:49 AM2022-09-09 05:49:15 (UTC-7) Harbormaster completed remote builds in B12243: Diff 16795.Sep 19 2022, 1:10 AM2022-09-19 01:10:27 (UTC-7) Closed by commit rCOMMdbfcccb47cf6: [services] Rust Integration - Backup - c++ - Use uuid instead of current… (authored by • karol). · Explain WhySep 19 2022, 1:11 AM2022-09-19 01:11:55 (UTC-7) This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Revision Contents
Diff 16803 services/backup/src/Reactors/server/SendLogReactor.cpp