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Rebase & fix outsideButtons on Android
Tue, Mar 11
Tested this on a physical device and emulator, everything seems to be fine
Mon, Mar 10
In D14434#401075, @ashoat wrote:CI - not sure if I need to test something else; not familiar with Android configuration
I think it would be good to check the Android app for both emulator and physical device targets, and play around with it a little bit just to make sure nothing is broken and performance isn't degraded
CI - not sure if I need to test something else; not familiar with Android configuration
One thing that might be worth checking is whether the outsideButtons logic is still correct
In D14430#401022, @tomek wrote:How does the app look like with a modal and the status bar visible?
How does the app look like with a modal and the status bar visible?
Fri, Mar 7
Wrap in ignorePromiseRejections
Thu, Mar 6
Wed, Mar 5
Tue, Mar 4
bump to 3.13.7`
Mon, Mar 3
Sun, Mar 2
Sat, Mar 1
Preemptively publishing in case CI has issues, as it recently has been timing out
Preemptively publishing in case CI has issues, as it recently has been timing out
In D14378#399480, @ashoat wrote:Can you share a screenshot of the order we end up seeing? Curious in what order the boosted communities will appear